Contact Us

Need help with a legal issue?

Telephone Advice Line

Call 08 9328 8012

Freecall 1800 620 285

(Australian landlines only)

The Telephone Advice Line is the first port of call for clients, carers and service providers seeking assistance. Our trained volunteers are supervised by lawyers and can provide general legal information on non-complex matters.

Team members will check if you are eligible of our support and if your legal issue is within the scope of our services. If we are unable to assist you, we will refer you to another agency.

Online Referrals

You can also use one of these referral forms to request assistance:

Have you been diagnosed with a mental illness?

Where do you receive treatment for your mental health?

Are you experiencing financial disadvantage?

Are you experiencing or at risk of family violence?

Are you experiencing or at risk of homelessness?

What legal issues are you experiencing?

If you are concerned about a relative or friend who needs legal assistance we will need to speak to them directly. If you are concerned that they may struggle to contact our office to complete an intake interview, you may want to call when you are with them. We need to hear directly from the potential client that they want our assistance. If you call together, the potential client can also confirm at that time if they want to give permission for you provide some information on their behalf.

Our Telephone Advice Line (1800 620 285) is open from 9am – 4pm, Monday to Friday.