
We offer valuable work experience and a unique insight into mental health issues and the law.

Volunteer with Rual Legal Services

At Ruah Legal Services we have a team of more than 30 dedicated law students and graduates who staff our Telephone Advice Line – often the first point of contact people have with our service. Volunteers provide information and referrals, conduct client intake interviews, and draft and deliver legal advice, all under the supervision and direction of qualified and experienced lawyers.

Application FAQs

Can I volunteer?

We recruit volunteers several times a year and are always interested in meeting enthusiastic and committed people who would like to be involved. To become a volunteer, you must be studying for a law degree.

Induction and training are provided, and all work is supervised by our qualified legal team.

Law graduates completing their Practical Legal Training (PLT) placements also have the opportunity to assist lawyers with casework files and conduct legal research.

It’s a great opportunity to kickstart your career in a specialised area of law while doing your bit to support vulnerable and disadvantaged people.

How do I apply?

Watch this page for details and dates of our next volunteer intake.

If you have any questions about our volunteer program, please email [email protected].


“I love being able to develop my legal skills in such a welcoming environment, whilst making a positive change to the community. It reassures me that I made the right decision to start a law degree.”

“Volunteering at the Mental Health Law Centre is not only an enjoyable experience but a wonderful opportunity to learn from experienced legal practitioners.” 

“Over the course of almost a year, I have experienced a multitude of legal areas that I would not have normally encountered.” 

“The areas of law in which MHLC provides assistance are complex and often daunting for our clients, and it is incredibly rewarding to be able to assist them in navigating the mental health and legal systems and help to break down the barriers.”

“Volunteering with MHLC has given me both invaluable exposure and an enriching experience to working in a legal practice…it is also incredibly rewarding.”

“My 9 months as a paralegal at MHLC has been pivotal to my understanding of how to apply my learnt knowledge from my degree to real-life scenarios. I thoroughly enjoyed my time at the MHLC and I place great value on the work they do for people in the community.” 

“My experience at the MHLC has been incredibly rewarding. The MHLC offered me a unique insight into the obstacles and challenges faced by many people in their involvement with the Australian legal system.”